SaddleBrooke Men's Nine Hole Golf League

League By-Laws
effective date DECEMBER 6, 2024
Article 1 - Name of Organization
The organization will be called the SaddleBrooke Men’s 9 Hole Golf League (SBMN), a non-profit organization.
Article 2 - Mission Statement
The object of SBMN is to provide a friendly, competitive venue for golfers to enjoy a less demanding game of golf on a regular and organized basis.
Article 3 - Authority and Limitations
SBMN will operate as an approved entity of the SaddleBrooke Homeowners Association #1 (SaddleBrooke One, Inc), hereinafter referred to as HOA1 and in compliance with its by-laws and regulations, but will not conduct business or obligate funds in the name of HOA1.
Article 4 - Membership
Membership shall be open to any male in good standing with their SaddleBrooke Homeowners Association, #1 and #2 and including renters in these HOAs.
Annual dues shall be established by the SBMN Officers. Dues are payable on or before December 15th in the current season/year. A Member is considered “delinquent” when dues are not paid by December 15. The “delinquent” status begins on December 16 and the member may not participate in scheduled SBMN events until his dues are paid in full.
All Members in good standing shall be entitled to vote at any general meeting. SBMN business presented by the Executive Board shall be decided by a majority vote of those members present.
Article 5 – Officers and Term in Office
SBMN elected Officers shall be the: President, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer, which will constitute the Executive Board.
The president and vice-presiddnt shall hold office for a term of one (1) year and may be elected to the same office for not more than two (2) consecutive terms. The president and vice-president shall not hold more than one (1) office at a time.
Article 6 – Nominations and Elections
Prior to the Annual Meeting and for the purpose of election of officers, the Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee Chairman, who in turn will assemble a Nominating Committee of three including himself. Members are encouraged to submit names to the Nominating Committee Chairman. The slate of officers proposed by the Committee shall be posted on the SBMN bulletin board and website 14 days prior to the Annual Meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor with the consent of the Nominee.
The SBMN members in attendance shall elect the incoming officers. In the case of multiple candidates for a given office, the vote shall be by secret ballot.
Article 7 – Governing Body
The governing body of the SBMN is the Board of Directors, herein after referred to as “The Board”, which consists of the elected Officers and all SBMN appointed committee chairmen.
The board, by appointment, shall fill vacancies occurring in any office other than the president. Should the president resign, the vice-president will automatically assume presidency.
It shall be the duty of the board to conduct, manage and oversee the affairs and business of the SBMN between meetings of the regular membership. The board, at a minimum, shall meet twice a year. In January and one other month.
Three (3) members of the board shall constitute a quorum.
All board members, upon retiring from office, shall deliver all records, procedure documents and other property belonging to the SBMN to their successor.
Article 8 – Duties of Officers
PRESIDENT: The president shall be the chief administrator of the SBMN and shall preside over all meetings; shall be ex-officio member of all committees; shall appoint, with board approval, the chairman of committees, and at the direction of the board, shall appoint special committees.
The president shall have the responsibility to maintain, update and keep current the SBMN membership email distribution list, and report weekly to membership the tournament results and other pertinent news.
The president will work with the tournament chairman and treasurer to complete the “Golf Tournament Format and Award Plan” for all home and home tournaments.
VICE-PRESIDENT: The vice-president shall assist the president and shall, in his absence, perform the duties of that office as delegated by president.
SECRETARY/TREASURER: Shall record the minutes of all meetings of the board and of the general membership meeting and shall read the treasurer’s report; shall oversee all records of the SBMN; shall be responsible for correspondence as required by the members of the board.
The treasurer shall be responsible for collecting the annual dues of the new and returning members and other monies as required; shall pay all bills owed by the SBMNM; shall administer all monies from SBMN golf events including home-and-home events; shall present a financial report at the annual meeting and to the board or membership as requested. The secretary/treasurer will work closely with the tournament chairman, membership chairman and social chairman in the commission of their duties.
Article 9 - Committees & Committee Duties
The standing committees in the SBMN are membership, tournament, publicity/website, handicap/rules, social and sponsorhip. Any additional committee deemed necessary by the executive board will be so established. The president, with executive board approval, will appoint any committee chairmen. Each committee chairman will select or be assigned one or more assistants with the approval of the executive board.
These assistants shall be advisory to the executive board.
The Membership Chairman will:
Work closely with president and secretary/treasurer.
Establish and maintain a process for membership establishment and renewal.
In concert with the president communicate with prospective members, establish eligibility for membership, and provide a membership registration process to be used by new members joining the SBMN.
As directed by the treasurer add new members to the SBMN roster in the SBMN Arizona Golf Association (AGA) GHIN Domain.
Prepare and maintain an active membership roster including member's name, GHIN number, address, phone number, tee preference and E-mail address.
Distribute the SBMN roster as necesary to the officers, committee chairmen and members conducting SBMN business.
Deactivate members in the SBMN membership roster and GHIN Domain, by December 15th. who have not paid dues by that time and provide a list of de-activated members to the board and the pro shop.
The Tournament Chairman will:
Work closely with president and handicap chairman.
Develop the SBMN annual event calendar (including the documentation that aids the membership in their understanding of each week’s event).
Work with the pro shop and Golf Genius program to establish weekly pairings and tee assignments. At the conclusion of each tournament tabulate the results and calculate the distribution of awards.
Send out the SBMN weekly event results report to the SBMN board and pro shop for review and posting of award credits.
Assist president in arrangements of any outside tournaments with other nine-hole golf associations.
The Publicity Chairman will:
Work closely with the president.
Produce articles for the community newsletters (e.g., Saddlebag Notes and SaddleBrooke Progress) emphasizing major events and SBMN happenings in such a manner as to encourage new members to join. Articles may include, but are not limited to, weekly tournaments, individual major accomplishments and events including other nine-hole groups in and outside of SaddleBrooke and other activities that support our general community.
The Social Chairman will:
Shall work closely with the president, secretary/treasurer and publicity chairman.
Shall coordinate all planning activities with HOA1 Banquet and Room Coordinator and food service representatives of restaurants/resorts in Tucson.
Arrange/Approve the contracts for room/food services furnished by HOA1 and outside establishments in Tucson Area.
Coordinate the planning, communication, signup and “day of event” tasks of the SBMN annual Holiday Luncheon with the officers.
Develop SBMN event flyer and signup sheets and post them appropriately.
Notify HOA1 Banquet and Meeting Room Coordinator of number of SBMN members scheduled to attend approved social events and provide final headcount number one week in advance of event.
Sponsorship Chairman will:
Work closely within the existing committees to organize and lead fund raising activities.
Seek out corporate and local businesses attempting to obtain sponsorships providing funding for some of the SBMN events.
Promote local business engagement in the SBMN activities.
Assist the publicity and website chairman with local advertising for the businesses that support our activities.
Assist the tournament director in placing marketing materials with sponsor logos at those events they sponsor.
The Website Chairman will:
Review with the SBMN board members the documents/reports that will be placed on the website for viewing by SSBMN members over the course of the golf season. Work closely with SBMN board to keep the official SBMN website up-to-date and current.
Maintain documentation and instructions for each document/report that is posted on SBMN website.
All web postings will be uploaded by the website chairman.
On a regular basis, review the website and verify the links to the SBMN website..
The Handicap/Rules Chairman will:
Work with the president and tournament chairman to address member handicap issues and USGA/SBMN rules violations.
Review SBMN tournament rules whenever a new membership or general membership meeting is held.
Article 10 - Fiscal and Finance
The fiscal year shall be January 1 through December 31. The secretary/treasurer, and at least one other executive officer shall be authorized to sign checks.
Article 11 – Meetings
Board meetings shall be held as often as the president determines necessary.
The annual meeting of all Members shall be held in December.
Special meetings may be called at any time by the president, or by any two (2) members of the board provided notice of such meeting has been given by email, at least five (5) days prior to the day of such meeting.
All meetings, unless otherwise designated, shall be held in HOA1 facilities.
Article 12 – Amendments
These by-laws may be amended only by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present and voting, at a regular or annual meeting of the SBMN provided written notice of the draft new by-laws have been posted on the SBMN website at least 7 days prior to the meeting. All proposed amendments to these by-laws are subject to final approval by HOA1.
Article 13 – Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of SBMN all assets will be donated to the golf operation of HOA1. Dissolution will not be initiated until all outstanding debts are satisfied. The president may direct the use all assets to satisfy outstanding debts, provided the majority of the SBMN membership has voted for the president to do so.
Approved: January 17, 2024